A loan helped to buy different kinds of cleaning tools and products and a professional uniform for her home-based cleaning services business.

Joyveline's story

Joyveline, a 58-year-old lady from the Philippines, travelled from her homeland all the way to Jordan to work so she could provide financially for her family and cover their needs and expenses.

She initiated a business project specializing in cleaning and asked for 800 JOD to buy different kinds of cleaning products and tools, as well as a professional uniform for her home-based cleaning services business.

Joyveline has had various improvements on the financial and the personal sides, as she managed to earn profits and increase her income, which resulted in improving her life in general. As well, she became stronger and more confident in her abilities and has had the opportunity to explore and experience a different life in a new culture. She managed to achieve all that despite having difficulties due to the language differences and being homesick.

She now aims to have a job related to her education and to be close to her family.

This loan is special because:

It empowers migrants who have settled in Jordan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details