A loan helped a member to buy animal feed.

Virgen Natividad De Chuso Group's story

These are the members of the communal bank “VIRGEN NATIVIDAD DE CHUSO.” This group is from the district of Urubamba in the province of Urubamba, in the department of Cusco.

Gerardina, 60, lives with a partner and has 4 children. She has a business raising and selling animals. She has guinea pigs and chickens that she feeds and later sells in various markets. She is requesting a loan to buy feed for her animals, such as corn, pasture grass, and alfalfa.

The baby in the photo belongs to the member. Gerardina thanks those who are supporting her dreams through these loans, and she promises to comply with the payment terms of the loan.

In this group: Elena, Andrea Avelina, Gerardina, Elena, Amanda, Honorata, Bernardina, Delia, Silvia, Irma, Ruth, Yanet Rosario, Primitiva, Sonia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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