A loan helped to buy several young calves for fattening and resale.

Holdonoy's story

This remarkable, cheerful woman from the Khuroson district is called Holdonoy. She is 58 and lives with her husband and three children in a village in this mountainous region. She loves domestic animals, which is why she works in animal husbandry, which is a typical business for village residents. She has been raising cattle for 20 years. She buys young calves, fattens them over a couple of months and then takes them to the market to sell. Naturally, her husband and children help her with this work.

Holdonoy's goal for this loan is to expand her business. She wants to buy several young calves to increase her head count of livestock and earn more profits from her business. This loan will help her realize her goals and improve her family's living conditions.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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