A loan helped to buy vegetables and expand her business.

Etiborhon's story

This happy, cheerful woman is Etiborhon. She is from the city of Tursun-zoda. Etiborhon is married and is the mother of two children. Her husband is working in the Russian Federation to earn money. The children live with their mother. Etiborhon feeds the children by herself at the moment, because her husband now rarely sends money home.

Etiborhon sells vegetables at the market (tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers). She has been in the commercial business almost since childhood. She has been running her business for 21 years. She has decided to expand her business and increase her income. Etiborhon plans to buy more vegetables to sell. She needs the money to buy vegetables at wholesale prices. With these plans, she applied for a loan.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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