A loan helped a member to get shampoo, hair dye and moisturisers.

Tempo De Vitória Group's story

Adriana, third in the photo from left to right, is married and a mother. She started her activity in 2018, in her home, doing small works on the hair of known people and relatives.

Adriana has always been very hardworking and her dream was to open her beauty salon, in a space where she could better serve her clients. In 2022 she fulfilled her dream by opening her salon in its current space and now she is very happy with her salon.

She will use the loan to invest in products such as: shampoo, hair dye and moisturisers.

The group thanks the investors for their trust and for the opportunity.

In this group: Maria, Maria, Cleiza, Solange, Helenilza, Adriana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Paulo Aguiar.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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