A loan helped a member to buy tomatoes, carrots, squash, and eggplant.

Lirio Dos Vales I Group's story

Vera, the first woman in the photo from left to right, has always been a very determined woman, even in the most difficult moments of her life. After losing her husband, she was the only one responsible for supporting her family. She wasn't able to get discouraged, so she saw a business opportunity
and started selling fruits and vegetables.
She began selling fruits and vegetables in a stall near her home. With a lot of perseverance and hard work, she was able to rent a space to expand her business and to have her own produce store. At the moment she needs to invest in buying tomatoes, carrots, squash, and eggplant.
The group would like to thank the investors for this opportunity and for trusting them.

In this group: Maria, Vanicleia, Cicera, Vera, Vilmacir

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Tricia Perry.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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