A loan helped to buy construction materials in order to start a new business.

Iklima's story

Most rural women work in the fields, do handicrafts, and work in the household. People living in rural areas have the unique opportunity to encounter wildlife every day. Iklima is a resident of Panjakent. She is 52 years old. She is the mother of four children. Iklima's husband is working in the Russian Federation to earn money.

A rural area is a good place to open one's own animal husbandry business. Breeding cattle is currently a very promising business. In order to start a cattle-breeding business, it's necessary to study all the particulars of this branch of agriculture.

Iklima learned to breed livestock from her father. She wants to start her own business breeding cattle. Iklima does not have a cowshed to raise cattle, and she wants to build a cowshed in order to protect her animals from the cold and rain. Iklima applied for a loan to buy construction materials. The requested loan will help her build a cowshed and start her business. After starting her business, Iklima will have the opportunity to provide for her children. She believes in you and your support.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

It helps a vulnerable person start a new business.

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