A loan helped to buy cattle to sell.

Davlatmoh's story

Davlatmoh was interested in animals and livestock farming from a young age. She was born to a farmer's family. When she started going to school, she would help her father take care of the cattle after coming home from class. Thus she learned everything her father knew. Soon after finishing school she got married and today she has three children. According to Davlatmoh her husband is very good and helps her with the farm work. With each year their kids are growing and considerable funds are needed to provide for their future. Trusting in her years of experience, Davlatmoh plans to buy a pair of young calves and increase her income. She is certain that her plans will be realized with your help. She asks you to come to her aid.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Julia Warner.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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