A loan helped to buy stock.

Claude Jean's story

Jean Claude arrived in Uganda in 2015, carrying the scars of civil war in his home country, the DRC. With eight children, the youngest just a month old, he faced an uncertain future. But Jean Claude, a man of unwavering spirit, wasn't one to give up.

He saw a need in his new community – a need for vibrant colors and the joy that beautiful textiles bring. Seven years ago, he took a courageous step and opened a Bitenge shop. "Bitenge" – the colorful cloth worn throughout Africa – became his canvas, and his shop a haven for customers seeking to express their unique style.

Over the years, Jean Claude has built a reputation for his friendly service and his keen eye for selecting the perfect piece. Demand for his beautiful textiles has outpaced his ability to restock.

With a loan, Jean Claude can replenish his inventory with new Bitenge. This will not only allow him to meet the growing needs of his customers but also improve his sales and support his large family. Jean Claude's dream stretches beyond his shop. He envisions a future where his business becomes the biggest wholesale shop in Bukere Trading Centre, creating jobs and spreading prosperity within the community.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees launch businesses to rebuild their lives.

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