A loan helped to buy more shrimp crisp to resell to expand her business.

Sanirah's story

Sanirah is 56 years old and married with two daughters and one son.

She runs a shrimp crisp business to earn money for her family. She has been running this business for more than five years, and it has been a great contribution to the life of her family, not only to their daily needs, but also to her children's educational needs.

She has applied for a loan of 7,000,000 Indonesian rupiahs (IDR) from KBMI to get additional capital to buy more shrimp crisp to sell to expand her business. Her income is not sufficient to make it happen, but she will be able to repay the loan received.

Sanirah is a very hardworking mother who always strives for the best for her children, to improve their living conditions and create a happy life. She is very grateful for the opportunity and wants to thank all lenders.

This loan is special because:

It helps stimulate essential business activities in underserved communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details