A loan helped for general grocery purchasing for a business.

Julio Cesar's story

Julio has been working as an individual retailer for several years, offering a wide range of products to satisfy the needs of his community through his grocery store. This activity has not only allowed him to support his family, but also contribute to the general well-being of his environment.
In his quest to strengthen and expand his business, he seeks access to credit that will allow him to supply his establishment with a variety of essential products. These include: dairy products, soft drinks, commonly used medications, toilet paper, detergents and children's diapers. These items are not only in high demand in his community, but they also represent an opportunity to attract new customers and increase his income.
His vision goes beyond just maintaining his grocery store, he aspires to grow his business to ensure a prosperous future for himself and his family.
This loan is a crucial step in that direction, and he is grateful for the trust Kiva has placed in him. Previously, he has received financial support, which has allowed him to advance his business goals. Therefore, he optimistically hopes to have support again to achieve his future goals.
June, 2024.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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