A loan helped a member to buy rams, with the aim of raising and selling them at a profit, to build up her activity further.

Fedde Yakare Group's story

Oumou has an animal-fattening activity, and it is her holding on to the ram in the photo. She is 48 years old, uneducated and lives in a rural area. She is married and mother to four children, aged between nine and 17 years old; three are boys and the fourth a girl, all of them at school.

She has been carrying out this activity for ten years now and is turning to RMCR for a loan to buy rams, with the aim of raising them and selling them at a profit, so she can build up her activity further. She makes her purchases in the rural community where she lives and resells them in the same area.

With a monthly profit of 25,000 FCFA, she manages to provide for the family's needs and make some savings. In the future, Oumou dreams of making more profits to expand her activity and ensure her children get a good education.

In this group: Oumou, Djeneba , Oumou, Fatimata , Afsatou , Selly , Nafissatou, Djeneba , Coumba , Houleye , Kody , Fatoumata , Mariam, Habi , Aissata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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