A loan helped a member to buy food products and detergents.

Gpf Dimbalante Thierno Kandji Group's story

This group, consisting of 6 women, was created in June 2023. They live in the same neighborhood and maintain very good friendships and solidarity. Maguette is the group's representative. She is 45 years old, a widow, and a mother of 4 children, including 1 boy. She sells food products in schools. She also sells detergents at the market and in her neighborhood. She regularly sources her supplies from the central market and sells on credit, which she collects daily.

With her loan, she plans to buy food products and detergents. The profits generated from her business will enable her to meet her children's needs and increase her savings.

In this group: Maguette , Cira, Diariyatou, Fatim, Penda, Thiedele

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Karine Desruisseaux.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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