A loan helped a member to buy 2 carts of firewood.

Las Campeñas Group's story

From Jinotepe, Nicaragua we meet the communal bank "Las Campeñas." This group has 8 members who are known for their solidarity. They have businesses including: firewood sales, tri-cycle services, clothing sales, and cosmetics sales.

Margarita del Carmen (seen wearing a red top and blue jeans skirt), is 36 years old. She is married, and has 3 sons who are all in school. Five people live in her home.

Margarita has had a business selling firewood for 2 years. When there is a shortage of firewood, this creates a challenge for her business. Margarita will invest this loan in the purchase of 2 carts of firewood. Among her dreams and hopes for the future is to open a new business in addition to her firewood business. She advises women to join a group and take a loan to launch their business. She invites them to take advantage of the help that Pro-Mujer is providing with these loans.

Margarita is relying on you to continue to make progress with her family!

In this group: Elsa Isabel , Flora Isabel , Tania Carolina , Silvio Daniel, Yaoska Carolina, Luisa Emilia, Margarita Del Carmen, Francisco Emilio

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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