A loan helped to invest in supplies for her hammock weaving business.

Sunaree's story

Sunaree is married with three children who study at the local village school. Young and optimistic, she was taken completely off guard by the sudden economic hardships that swept through their village.

She and her husband were previously farmers, but prices for their crops nosedived even as many villagers returned from city jobs that had disappeared with the arrival of economic bad times. Decisions that had been sound when made were now proving to be problematic.

For instance, Sunaree and her husband have a truck they are trying to pay off. They also have other debts. Low prices for their harvest and the lack of employment alternatives threatened to be their undoing.

The artisan hammock business is an exciting new venture for Sunaree, and she has thrown herself into it with an enthusiasm that is a joy to behold. "It's like a pot of gold!" she says.

This loan will help Sunaree get her hammock-weaving venture off the ground by ensuring she has supplies and yarn to weave consistently through the coming year. Very matter-of-factly, she tells how hammock weaving is a good source of income and is looking forward to making the most with this Kiva loan!

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details