A loan helped a member to buy rice, chicken, and vegetables to prepare food to sell.

Tres De Mayo De San Jose Group's story

The members of the Communal Bank “Qapaq Ñan” live in the District of Urubamba, Urubamba Province, Department of Cusco.

One of the members is Alejandrina. This enterprising woman is 61 years old, divorced, and has five children. Alejandrina has a business selling food that is doing very well. Her menu includes chicken stews and soups. She works hard to support her family and help them get a better education.

Alejandrina is requesting a loan to buy rice, chicken, and vegetables. She is grateful to Kiva and promises to complete her payment installments.

In this group: Emperatriz, Alejandrina, Maria Idelma, Lucila, Wilbert, Roxana, Juan Aurelio, Walker, Yeampiere, Jean Piero Edwin

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It uses a group-lending method to reach low-income borrowers.

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