A loan helped to buy ceramics, as well as pants, shirts, blouses, and other garments.

Heidy Beatriz's story

Heidy Beatriz and her family live in La Pila in the Montecristi canton, which is known for its rich pre-colonial culture and its nationally and internationally renowned handicrafts.

Heidy Beatriz is a hardworking young woman who is looking for ways to earn funds to pay for her studies and help her parents with household expenses. Heidy Beatriz and her family have a shop in their house where they sell clay handicrafts, ceramics, and palm ivory crafts. She works every day, always offering the best service to her customers. Heidy Beatriz also sells clothes in her shop and through social networks. They sell on credit and in cash depending on the customer.

This loan is to buy ceramics, as well as pants, shirts, and blouses, among other garments.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erin Johnson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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