A loan helped to buy a tuk tuk (delivery rickshaw) to reach more customers who could not previously afford clean drinking water.

Ibrahim's story

Ibrahim is a father of two children and the franchisee for Jibu Kyengera for the last year. He has been able to grow the volume of water refills and introduce safe and affordable cooking gas/fuels.

The current delivery tool being used is old and frequently breaks down, hindering timely deliveries of water refills and cooking gas/fuels to the current customers.

He needs a replacement delivery tool to deliver products in time to the current customers and reach potential customers to further grow his sales volume.

Let us put our hands together to support Ibrahim raise funding to purchase a replacement delivery tool.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurs grow their client base and increases access to affordable, clean water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details