A loan helped to buy baby clothes.

Ana's story

The loan recipient belongs to the village bank "Patron San Sebastian". The bank is located in the district of Huanchac, in the province and department of Cusco.

Ana is 52 years old, married with 4 children. She has a store where she sells baby clothes in the business district in Cusco. She sells all kinds of furnishings for babies including cribs, dressers, toys, quilts, shoes, bottles, jackets, photo albums, comforters, pillows, lamps, and everything related to babies and children in their first years of life. She invests the loans from the village banks in work capital. She travels to Lima, the capital of Peru, to bring back items and she also goes to different states to be able to bring gifts and accessories for infants and children. She always has the latest baby clothes and it's a lot of fun to look through her store and note all the details. She would like to use this loan to buy baby clothes.

The recipient is happy with the loan she has been presented and promises to make the payments in the established time frame.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Berghaus.

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