A loan helped to buy rice, detergent, deli meats, tuna, and many other grocery items to stock her store.

Angela Monserrate's story

Angela Monserrate and her family live La Pila in the Montecristi canton. It is known for its rich precolonial history and for its handmade crafts, known nationally and internationally.

Angela Monserrate is a hardworking woman who seeks a way to earn her income and help her family to get ahead. She has a grocery store in her home. There, she sells rice, sugar, detergent, deli meats, and many other grocery items. She has been able to stock her store with the help of the loans. That is why she is very grateful, because she will have a wider variety of products to meet the needs of her customers and improve her earnings.

This loan is to buy rice, sugar, detergent, deli meats, tuna, and many other grocery items to stock her store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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