A loan helped to purchase more bags of flour to bake buns and donuts.

Gervina's story

Gervina is 59 years old and married with four children and grandchildren. She lives at Valaka in Nakanai District, Kimbe, Oil Palm Province in West New Britain.

Gervina learned over time that people in the Oil Palm blocks wanted to have bread for breakfast, and bread was also a convenient way to feed their school-going children. She started a small bakery, making buns and donuts as a way to earn money daily. Her main customers are people living near her and road travellers. She bakes the best quality buns and donuts, and people love to buy them for breakfast and lunch, especially the children.

Gervina applied for this loan to purchase more bags of flour to increase her production. She will use her profits to build her savings and buy a bigger oven.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

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