A loan helped to invest in supplies for her hammock weaving business.

Wareee's story

Wareee's transition from slash-and-burn agriculture to hammock weaving reflects the evolving economic landscape of rural villages like hers. Despite the challenges posed by limited job opportunities and educational disparities, Wareee seized the opportunity to pursue artisan weaving as a means of securing a more stable income for her family. This shift not only provided her with a safer and more sustainable livelihood but also empowered her to take control of her economic future.

Having received her education in her village, Wareee understands the importance of investing in her children's education. With her newfound occupation as a hammock weaver, Wareee can now contribute more significantly towards her children's schooling, which requires them to attend a boarding school two hours away. Additionally, Wareee and her husband aspire to save for a new house and a vehicle, and hammock weaving offers them a promising avenue to achieve these goals.

With the support of a Kiva loan, Wareee is poised to further strengthen her hammock weaving business. This loan will enable her to maintain a steady supply of materials, ensuring the continuity of her weaving activities throughout the year. By investing in her business infrastructure, Wareee aims to enhance her productivity and expand her economic opportunities, ultimately improving the well-being of her family and community.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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