A loan helped to invest in supplies for her hammock-weaving business.

Malai's story

Malai, residing in a small rural village in northern Thailand, has long grappled with the challenges of rural life, including limited job opportunities, uncertain crop prices, and a lack of formal education. The hardships of subsistence farming and scarce alternative employment options in her area, often necessitate a move to distant cities.

Previously working in slash-and-burn farming, Malai experienced firsthand the difficulties of agriculture in her region. However, the introduction of hammock weaving provided a transformative opportunity for Malai, significantly improving her quality of life and boosting her household income. Weaving hammocks not only serves as an excellent alternative to farming but also enables Malai to work from home, balancing her weaving activities with childcare responsibilities.

The profits earned from hammock weaving contribute to her children's education and household expenses, underscoring the significance of this venture for Malai and her family. With the support of a Kiva loan, Malai aims to stabilize her hammock-weaving income, ensuring a consistent supply of supplies and yarn throughout the year.

Amidst her flourishing hammock business, Malai and her family have managed to make improvements to their house in the past year. This progress reflects the positive impact of hammock weaving on Malai's economic stability and overall well-being.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

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