A loan helped to buy dairy as well as vegetables and pickling necessities for her home-based business.

Fatima's story

Fatima, a 37-year-old Jordanian woman, is a wife and loving mother of 5 kids known for her hard work and innovation. She decided to initiate a business project after she noticed that her area of residency lacks a shop that provides dairy products and pickled foods. She decided to be that supplier for her area and asked for 950JOD to buy dairy as well as different kinds of vegetables and pickling tools and necessities for her home-based dairy and pickled food business. She managed to make a profit and increase her family’s income as well as gain a number of customers who were always fascinated with her products, Fatima now aims to expand her business and to have her own shop specialized in pickled food and dairy products.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable and marginalized women in Jordan.

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