A loan helped to buy a new sewing machine and sewing fabrics.

Jamila's story

Jamila lives in Khuroson district with her husband and four children. Unemployment has caused her husband to leave his family, home and native land, and go to Russia to earn a living. Jamila herself is a tailor by profession and has been working as one for a decade. She takes orders for traditional Tajik dresses and fills them at home

Jamila works on an old manual machine, which takes up a lot of her time. She wants to acquire a modern sewing machine and expand her business. With this goal in mind, she is seeking a loan, with which she plans to buy a new modern sewing machine and fabrics. Jamila is waiting hopefully for support.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liv Bliss.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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