A loan helped to buy cosmetic products, lotions, hair treatments, etc.

Juana Lidia's story

Juana lives with her partner and a daughter who is an adult. She affirms that she has relatives who live abroad. Juana's business is selling different cosmetic products. She opened her cosmetics product business eight years ago. She learned this job empirically. Through this work, she has managed to obtain the economic resources to support her family. She works Monday, Thursday and Saturday from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm. Juana is requesting a loan to capitalize her business. She will invest in the purchase of cosmetics products, lotions, hair treatments, etc. She will thus serve her customers better with what she hopes increases her sales and earnings.

She dreams of expanding her number of customers and having economic stability to get her family ahead and improve her house.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kate Divjak.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to savings accounts.

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