A loan helped a member to buy livestock.

Flor De Retama De Rumira Group's story

The members belong to the Flor de Retama de Rumira communal bank.

This bank is located in the Ollantaytambo district in the province of Urubamba and the department of Cusco.

The member Santiago makes a living from the business of raising livestock. He fattens them and raises them and then later sells them at different trade fairs.

Through this work, he wants to get ahead. He dreams of expanding his business of selling livestock. He is seeking the loan to buy livestock.

The baby that appears in the photo is the child of the member.

The members feel grateful for the loan and promise to make payments at the established times.

In this group: Antonia, Rosa, Santiago, Vicentina, Mariela Juana, Justa, Martha, Hilaria, Rosa Angelica, Maria Griselda, Hilaria Sonia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Chris Brown.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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