A loan helped to buy meats, vegetables, condiments, eggs, cheese, oil, etc.

Julia Orquidia's story

Julia Orquidia, age 45, is single and has two children. She lives with her children in the municipality of Comayagua. She works selling fast food such as "baleadas", breakfasts, etc. She has done this as a street vendor for ten years. Previously she did housework in her home.

She is requesting a loan from ODEF for 10,000 Lempiras that she plans to invest to buy meats, vegetables, condiments, eggs, cheese, oil, etc. This investment will help her to reach a larger number of customers, with the diversity of products that she sells. Her goal is to increase her clientele.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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