A loan helped a member to buy tools and be able to keep offering his services as a builder.

Nueva Generacion 1.0 Group's story

The Nueva Generación 1.0 group is in its first cycle. The group is made up of six members. In the photo, the group members appear as the team that they are, working for a better future.

Raymundo is 51 years old. He is separated. He has two children who are his greatest motivation and inspiration. He considers himself to be a responsible, charismatic man. He has had his construction business for 20 years. He is a builder.

For this reason, his greatest challenge is having the tools and machines necessary to rent. His big dream is to keep growing.

He has no other source of income beyond this business. He will use the Kiva loan to buy tools, so he can keep offering his services at a builder and keep investing with the extra earnings.

In this group: Diora Yanina, Henry , Wangner Pastor, Blanca Flor , Raymundo , Rister Edith

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Chris Brown.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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