A loan helped a member to buy 1 bag of cabbages, 1 bag of potatoes, 1 bag of carrots, 1 bag of cassava and more.

Keur Nd Lo Group's story

Madjiguéne has been a reseller for over 24 years. She sells vegetables and fish. She also sells fish products. She has a lot of experience in her line of work and few competitors.

She is married, 44 years old and has 10 children, 6 of whom are boys.

She will use the profits she makes to finish construction on a house and take care of her children's daily needs, including food and healthcare.

In this group: Fatim, Marieme Awa, Mamour, Wore Gueye, Ndeye Fambaye, Ndèye Khoudia, Madjiguéne, Fatou, Ndeye Gane, Diass, Mbery, Madjiguène , Awa, Maguette, Adji Fatou, Diamylatou, Awa, Fatou

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details