A loan helped a member to buy meat, vegetables and chicken.

Las Dinamicas Group's story

The members belong to the communal bank "Las Dinamicas".

Elva Eduviges is a member who has a business selling food. She makes different dishes such as roast chicken, soup and meat stir-fry. She is a very hard-working woman who wants to use this business to help her get ahead. She is requesting the loan to buy products to use in her cooking such as meat, vegetables and chicken.

The members are grateful for the loan provided and are committed to making their agreed payments.

In this group: Elva Eduviges, Rene, Katherine Stefany, Dennisse Vianney, Blanca Reyna, Jasan Roland, Teodoro

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elizabeth Daw.

This loan is special because:

It uses a group-lending method to reach low-income borrowers.

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