A loan helped to buy pigs to fatten and agricultural supplies to grow cacao.

Mayra Gisela's story

This is Mayra, age 53, a kind person from the Balzar sector in the coastal region of Ecuador. She lives in her own house with her daughter. They help each other and do agricultural work. Her principal sources of income are growing cacao and raising pigs.

Mayra wishes to continue boosting these activities because they provide for her family. She requests her first loan from Banco Vision Fund Ecuador and Kiva. She needs the funds to buy pigs and to maintain her cacao crop. Her plan for the pigs is to have breeding pigs with good genetics to both sell as piglets and to fatten for meat.

Mayra is a hardworking woman who seeks to support her daughter and to be able to have a dignified old age.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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