A loan helped a member to buy 1 bag of rice, 1 can of oil, 1 bag of onions and other ingredients.

Medina Bambilor Group's story

Maimouna has been in sales for over 25 years. She sells cooked food.

She is married, 40 years old and has a daughter.

She uses her profits to help her parents who live in the village and to contribute to her child's healthcare and school fees.

In this group: Mame Khar, Woury, Tida, Awa, Aminata, Woulimata, Wolimata , Maimouna, Maimouna , Rose, Bintou, Aida, Fatimata Ousmane , Saye, Khady Gueye, Fatou, Khoudia

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details