A loan helped a member to buy a kneading machine, 3 bags of flour, a bag of milk, a bag of sugar and various ingredients for her business needs.

Door War Yeumbeul Group's story

Madam Aminata is a pastry chef with over 3 years' experience in her field: she is single and 29 years old.

Her business is going increasingly better and she has a loyal customer base.

With her profits, she plans to save to strengthen her business.

In this group: Seynabou, Khady, Mbayang, Ouleymata, Fatoumata, Aminata Hady, Hawa, Bineta, Fatou Bintou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Guido Fregonara.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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