A loan helped a member to buy 2 boxes of glasses, some tubs, and bowls to resell.

Door War Yeumbeul Group's story

Ms. Ndeye has been a merchant for over ten years. She is active in selling dishware. She has much experience in this domain and little competition. She is married, 50 years old, and the mother of three children, including a son.

With her earnings, she intends to bolster her business and to take care of her family.

In this group: Oureye, Amy, Mame Ndoumbe, Ndeye, Khady, Khoudia, Fatou, Dior, Diouma, Awa, Fatou, Oumy, Fatou, Fatou, Dieynaba

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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