Andres Justino is 53 years old. He is married and has three adult children and a sixteen-year-old child. His wife is a teache.
They live in Manta, one of the most important cities for business and tourism on the Ecuadorian coast.
Andres is an entrepreneurial person who has always made a living from business in order to be financially sustainable.
For 20 years, he has had a retail business for drinks, which makes him an income to provide for his household.
Andres has been working, so he can provide for his family.
That's why he is now seeking this help, so he can stock up on juices, sodas, beers, and other items, and continue improving his work.
He will invest this loan in the purchase of juices, sodas, beers, and other items.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Chris Brown. View original language description.