A loan helped to purchase fish, tails, bananas, meat, peanut oil and other ingredients used in food production.

Fatima Esperanza's story

Fatima Esperanza and her family live in the city of Portoviejo, a beautiful place with a combination of landscapes and beaches that are very visited all year round. She is a hardworking woman who, despite her advanced age, is looking for ways to earn an income to help her husband with household expenses. This is possible thanks to the support from Kiva loans, for which she is very grateful.

Fatima cooks empanadas, corviches, cheese sticks and other snacks, on weekends, she also prepares "morcilla", a typical dish – these are all very popular among her customers. Her clientele comes to her home to purchase these products, she also delivers it to their homes.

This loan helps Fatima purchase fish, tails, bananas, meat, peanut oil and other ingredients needed in food production.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Valentina H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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