A loan helped to purchase hair treatments, dyes, nail polishes and other necessary tools.

Gloria Mariela's story

Gloria Mariela and her family live in the parish of Picoaza, canton of Portoviejo, a place with beautiful landscapes and beaches that are visited by tourists all year round. She is a hard-working woman looking for ways to earn an income and care of her children by herself since she is a single mother.

Gloria has a beauty salon at home where she does a variety of services such as haircuts, hair coloring, nail painting, makeup, among others. She provides the best care to her clientele everyday to earn a decent living, which is possible thanks to the support from Kiva loans, for which she is very grateful and has decided to request once again.

This loan will help Gloria to purchase hair treatments, dyes, nail polishes and other tools she needs.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Valentina H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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