A loan helped to purchase shoes in various designs and sizes.

Rosa Mercedes's story

Rosa Mercedes and her family live in the Picoaza parish of Portoviejo, a place with beautiful countryside landscapes and beaches that are visited by tourists all year round. She is a hard-working woman who, together with her husband, seeks a means of earning income to support their household. They have been able to thrive thanks to the help of Kiva loans which is why Rosa is very grateful and asks for help once again.

Rosa and her husband earn a living from the sale of shoes for ladies, men and children. They deliver their shoes to other merchants and also sell them in other cities where they have customers that prefer their products, since they give great discounts when selling wholesale.

This credit is to purchase shoes in various designs and sizes.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Valentina H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

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