A loan helped a member to invest in growing vegetables.

Las Soñadoras 2 Group's story

Jacinta is 52 years old. From a very young age she travelled to the coast so that her parents could work on the farms in the region, and thus be able to earn an income to cover family needs. Due to her limited income her parents could not support her to study, Jacinta is illiterate.

In her childhood, she did not have shoes or clothes, but she found people of good will who gave her shoes and clothes. She is deeply grateful to those who helped her.

She got married, and despite both of them trying hard, her economic situation did not improve. Four years ago, her husband became a migrant in search of an opportunity to give his family a better future.

Jacinta received her third loan this year. She used the first one to raise chickens, the second she invested in the purchase and sale of corn, and with this year's loan she will invest in the cultivation of vegetables.

Her loans allowed her to keep her children studying and meet family expense needs.

Jacinta is the leader of the group Soñadoras 2, made up of 5 women, all of the Mayan Ixil ethnic group. The group will invest 40% in agriculture and 60% in textiles. On average, each member of the group has 2 children and the average age of the group members is 47 years. 40% are illiterate, 20% did not finish their primary education, 20% finished their primary education, and 20% studied up to ninth grade.

In this group: Cecilia, Elena, Feliciana, Jacinta , Juana

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

ACMUV is an organization formed and led by indigenous women.

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