A loan helped to buy corrugated metal sheets, wood, sand, and cement, as well as pay for labor to build a bathroom.

Karla Patricia's story

Humble, hardworking, and responsible are some of the many qualities that describe Karla. She works as a primary school teacher and enjoys sharing her knowledge with students who will be the future of the country.

Karla wants to have a decent bathroom, so she requested a Kiva loan from MiCrédito to buy corrugated metal sheets, wood, sand, and cement, as well as pay for labor to build a bathroom. With this investment, she will have better sanitary conditions.

Karla wishes to continue improving her living conditions and those of her children.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps communities protect themselves from diseases spread by poor sanitation.

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