A loan helped to buy general merchandise to sell at her store.

Karen Lizeth's story

This borrower lives with her family. She is a hardworking, exemplary, honest, humble, and responsible mother who is well known in the area for being dedicated to her daily activities. Her main source of income is derived from managing her convenience store. She has five years of experience in this trade. She offers basic household goods such as sugar, rice, lard, bouillon cubes, and other products. It should be mentioned that she also owns a mototaxi that brings in additional income.

The borrower is requesting a loan to buy products such as sugar, sardines, spaghetti, lard, cornmeal, soap, juices, soft drinks, bread, and other items. In this manner, she will be able to restock her business and offer more variety to her customers, which will increase her sales. Her dream is to expand her business so that she can generate more income.

She is grateful for the support she received.

May 2024

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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