A loan helped buy merchandise to increase inventory: oil, chicken, sugar, rice, beans, etc.

Claudia Ramona's story

This client is originally from Telica. She is a single mother and a saleswoman. She has a daughter, 10 years old, who studies in the local school. This woman has always been a guarantor for her sister who is also a client of Ceprodel Telica. She has had her store for more than 9 years, beginning with the help that her mother-in-law, her ex-husband's mother, gave her. She provided her with merchandise to begin her business, since her mother-in-law is a wholesaler in the city of Leon and wants to pass on the business that she has also left to her sons with great success. She has experience with loans, and they have helped her to improve her quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Berghaus.

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