A loan helped to purchase sheets, t-shirts, pants, shorts, lycra, pajamas, sets for children, robes, shirts, and other products.

Isabel Cristina's story

Isabel Cristina and her family live in Montecristi, which stands out for its artisan works made from straw, wicker, reeds, and wood. It is also known for fine hats made from straw, known throughout the world as "Panama hats".

She works selling a variety of sets of sheets, and clothes. She sells from her home, by going house-to-house to her clients, via WhatsApp, and the internet. She delivers to homes within the city.

Isabel Cristina is grateful for previous loans since they are helping her to increase sales and her income. This credit is to purchase sets of sheets, t-shirts, pants, shorts, lycra, pajamas, sets for boys and girls, robes, shirts, and other products.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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