A loan helped to support a rainforest farming cooperative to improve the livelihoods of more than 500 cacao farmers with organic and gender practices.

Coas Sonomoro Del Vraem's story

COAS Sonomoro del Vraem is a organic and Fair-Trade cooperative working to support the lives of more than 500 small farmers in Perú, 150 of whom are from Indigenous communities. It sources cacao from these rural communities that live along the Vraem area in the Peruvian Amazon.

COAS Sonomoro trains farmers to improve the quality and yield of their cacao, providing them with technical farming knowledge they would otherwise not have access to. By obtaining a product that meets international standards, COAS Sonomoro can secure its members 40% higher income than the informal market or other intermediaries, and supporting them to cover essential needs.

COAS Sonomoro also promotes the gender approach and participation of women in business development skills at the implementation of a small chocolate factory, which is a social inclusion project for the generation of alternative income.

It works closely with local farmers to protect local biodiversity and applies regenerative agriculture practices. One way it does this is by promoting organic pest control methods that do not harm native plants and animals. COAS Sonomoro also plants trees in areas where they were previously cut down, as part of its activities to address climate change and reforestation.

Your loan will allow COAS Sonomoro to continue to source cacao from isolated areas in the Amazon rainforest where poverty is high, giving them access to farming skills to improve their livelihoods. COAS Sonomoro sales environmentally-sustainable cacao to clients in Peru and Europe. The picture above shows some of COAS Sonomoro's members and their children.

This loan is special because:

It supports businesses that are too big for microfinance but too small for banks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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