A loan helped to buy pigs, concentrated feed for growth, and vitamins.

Alva Julia's story

She lives with family. She is a hard-working, exemplary, humble, responsible woman, mother of a family, and well-known in the area for dedication to her daily activities.

Her main source of income is raising and fattening pigs. Shen has approximately forty pigs, both large and small.

She requests the loan to buy pigs, concentrated feed for growth, and vitamins. In this way, she will be able to fatten them and to sell them at a better weight and price.

Her dream is to expand her work and generate greater income. She is grateful for the support received.

May 2024.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It has a below-market interest rate and is repaid at harvest, when farmers can more easily repay.

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