A loan helped an accountant serving small businesses in Tucson, hire 2 employees and rent a space to improve her services.

Odette's story

Since I was in high school, I knew I wanted to be a business owner. Once I started at the University of Arizona, I immediately chose Eller and was required to take 2 pre accounting classes before getting into Eller. I absolutely loved accounting and it all just made sense to me. Since that moment, I knew I wanted to own an accounting and tax business. Ever since then, I have been gaining all the experience to prepare to be a successful business owner. I now have about 12 years of finance and accounting experience in many different industries such as aerospace, non-profit and health. With all these jobs, I grew my knowledge in accounting and finance until one year ago when I felt 100% ready to go on my own. A little over a year ago, I started teaching at a women's business center and realized all the value I brought to these small businesses. It really opened my eyes into finding my niche. Ever since then, I have a strong desire to help all these Tucson small business grow and be successful by sharing my knowledge in finance and accounting. This year, I have been able to watch 2 of my clients expand by opening a second location and this was all possible by understanding your financials and now I want to watch every single one of clients flourish in this way based on their goals. I am not just an accountant or tax preparer but rather a partner to my clients. I keep their financials in order as well as offer strategic guidance and support to ensure continual growth. I am currently a one person business and have reached my capacity. In order for me to be able to help more businesses be successful, I need funds to hire 1-2 employees. I am currently working from home and it isn't feasible anymore with the growth I have had so I need funds to pay for an office space as well.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Sunshine Accounting LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details