A loan helped to pay for new stocks needed in her retail store.

Mercy's story

Mercy, 57, is a determined mother of four grown children. She resides with her husband on an urban neighborhood, around 8-minute from town. Her husband is unemployed. She operates a retail store to make a living.

She started her business 10 years ago with motivation from her husband. The business aims to provide her family with daily essentials. Her dream is upgrade her business and construct a permanent home for her family. Her current objective is to increase her retail stocks to meet customer demand. However, she is under financial stress.

Mercy is requesting a loan to pay for new stocks. Her business earnings will be allocated to pay for household expenses and save for the future. This money encourages her to expand her business and provide a better future for her family.

Thankyou for lending to support Mercy!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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