A loan helped a member to buy a can of oil, a sack of flour, a carton of milk and more.

Le Lebougui Thiaroye Group's story

This banc villageois was created in November 2018 and this group is made up of 26 women who work in trade and help each other.

Madam Ndella is married, aged 61 and has nine children (one boy): she has more than 20 years' experience in the business.

She is the only one to carry out this business in her neighbourhood: with her profits she will provide daily food and schooling for her children.

Her business is profitable and allows her to look after her husband as well.

In this group: Aminata, Aminata, Ndeye , Ndella, Soda, Fatou , Ndeye Nogoye , Birame , Sounkar, Aminata, Fatou, Khardiata, Djeumbe, Addji Ndatte, Aminata 2, Matou, Aissatou , Ndeye Maty, Fatou, Marietou, Seyni, Aissatou, Tida, Binta, Coura, Ndeye

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Guido Fregonara.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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