Rocio is on the right side of the photograph. Given the high costs with the university, she is requesting an educational loan so that Genesis, her daughter, will be able to continue studying.
Genesis, who is on the left side, lives with her mother, her younger brother, and her cousin. She is studying for a degree in Professional Translation and Interpretation at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. She selected this career because she loves languages, especially English. This is because ever since she was very little she was allowed to learn about other cultures. She devotes several hours a week to studying.
Upon completing her degree she wishes to work as an interpreter in the field of medicine, in social settings, or literature. Her biggest dream is to travel the work through her work that would allow her to put her knowledge into practice.
Two of the obstacles that they had as a family was facing the death of her father in the pandemic and the financial worry that came with this situation.
For this motive she is requesting Kiva support in order to continue her degree studies, to be a great professional, and to help her family. Genesis is grateful to have the opportunity to continue studying for her degree. That is why she says the following, "I want to thank you for providing me this opportunity to continue with my university studies."
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish. View original language description.